Non-Traditional News & Announcements

heart health flyer
National Heart Health Month

February is National Heart Health Month. During this special time, we want to help everyone understand the importance of a healthy heart and actions they can take to live a heart healthy life.

Mon Feb 10 10:20 AM

Protecting Children from the Dangers of Addictive Social Media

In response to the evidence showing unrestricted cell phone and addictive social media use are major contributors to the youth mental health crisis in this country by exacerbating issues like depression, anxiety, and self-harm, Governor Youngkin issued Executive Order 43- Empowering and Supporting Parents to Protect Their Children from Addictive Social Media and Establishing the Reclaiming Childhood Task Force.

Wed Dec 04 03:30 PM

Fentanyl Awareness
Fentanyl Awareness and Education

The number of fentanyl overdose deaths in Virginia has continued to rise since 2013, with 1,951 Virginians killed in 2022 and over 2,000 in 2023. To help reverse this trend, please review the attached Fentanyl Awareness Informational Sheet. Thank you again for your continued cooperation in talking with your children about the dangers of drugs.

Fri Aug 30 03:16 PM

Breakfast and Lunch is Free for all students
Breakfast and Lunch is Free for all students

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a federal school meal funding option that enables schools, participating in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program, to streamline scholl meal operations by allowing schools with a minimum percentage of identified students to provide no-cost meals to all students as well as forgo the collection of free and reduced-price allocations. Learn more at

Fri Aug 23 11:05 AM